Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur to Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Delhi and Udaipur Airport Taxi

How to choose a taxi from Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur to Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Delhi, and Udaipur Airport?

Book a taxi to or from Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur, where you can avail of our taxi service. It is only a few minutes away from the main road and within easy reach of Udaipur airport. If you want to go further afield, such as Ahmedabad Airport, Jaipur Airport, and Jodhpur Airport then book with us and take advantage of our affordable rates. Our taxi services are available 24 hours a day, and we can transport you from the airport to any destination in Udaipur or elsewhere. We have a fleet of cars including luxury sedans, air-conditioned vans, and buses for large groups. The hotel is located within easy reach of the city center, which is only a few minutes away. We can also provide you with a taxi from Udaipur to the airport, which will save time and money.

You can book your taxi in advance or simply call us at +91-9829187666. We offer a variety of taxi services at Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur. Our rates are affordable and we can organize taxis to and from the airport, just give us a call or send us an email to enquire about our rates. We offer a reliable and safe taxi service from and to Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur, which is located in the heart of Udaipur. If you want to travel by car, book with us and enjoy our affordable rates. We offer luxury car rental services with comfortable seats, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. Our services are available 24/7 and 365 days a year.

Hotel Kankarwa Haveli Udaipur to Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Delhi, and Udaipur Airport Taxi options Total Price
Mini Cab ₹ 10000
Sedan Cab ₹ 12500
₹ 10000
Suv Cab ₹ 14700
₹ 13000
Innova Cab ₹ 17500
₹ 16200

Book your cab at Shri Nakoda One Way Taxi and enjoy the comfort and luxury of a private car. The service will offer you fast and safe travel from any part of good city, which is full of tourist attractions .You can visit Rajasthan as well as other cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Bikaner etc.

We provide safe car for high priced and helps you to reach your destination at the earliest time.